Ro南泽西万学院(RCSJ) 2021年护理专业毕业生, Dalia Ampiah, 为她的梦想远行. Her desire to make an impact on others while building a good life for herself has carried her from the Republic of Ghana to the State of New Jersey; and she is not done yet.
Ampiah从小就知道她想要帮助别人. Despite demonstrating a strong interest and ability in her high school sciences classes, she was considering a career in law – until an experience at summer camp steered her in a new direction.
“在加纳的教会营地,我有一个朋友病了,”Ampiah回忆道. “她病得很重,所以我陪着她,帮她打扫卫生,照顾她. 在她最终康复后,她非常感激. 她一直说:“达利娅,不是每个人都能做到的.“从那以后,我觉得我可以在医疗领域做出更多贡献."
Ampiah was studying Biochemistry at the University of Ghana when the opportunity to come to the United States arose. 在俄克拉荷马州短暂停留后,她搬到了纽约州的彭萨肯.J.为了和她的叔叔和表弟亲近.
“The United States is a country of opportunity, so that is why I came here," she said. “这是在美国接受教育的好机会. 这是重新开始的好机会."
In the fall of 2016, Ampiah registered for classes at RCSJ soon after moving to the state. 到2018年,她获得了生物科学副学士学位,并获得了4分.平均绩点为0,在校长名单上有一席之地. She had also honed-in on a more specific career goal: Ampiah wanted to become a nurse, 她很清楚该从哪里开始.
“I always want the best for myself and for everyone around me," she admitted with a smile. 南泽西的罗文学院在所有护理学校中排名第一, 我听说那是个严格的项目. From other testimonials, I've heard that most of the 护士 that come out of RCSJ are very good. 无论我去哪里,我都想要最好的. 这就是我选择RCSJ的原因."
RCSJ's Associate in Nursing program has been ranked the top nursing program in New Jersey for five, 连续两年. In 2020, 这个项目的声誉跨越了州界, 赢得了在东北地区排名第二的荣誉. 学院的教职员工, 最先进的护理和保健设施, 并设有专门的技能辅导中心, 以及他们与包括Inspira在内的临床合作伙伴的牢固关系, 杰佛逊, 库珀和维塔, produce graduates as comfortable in a healthcare environment as they are in the classroom.
“自20世纪70年代初以来,我们护理专业的毕业生 & 卫生专业项目对他们所照顾的人产生了积极的影响. 通常, we hear stories of lives that have been touched both locally and nationally by our graduates – now more so than ever before,”博士说。. 苏珊·霍尔,护理学院院长 & 健康的职业. “The nursing programs at RCSJ are always evolving to enable this College to train healthcare professionals who are fully equipped with the contemporary knowledge and skills required to meet the needs of the community."
事实证明,护理课程非常适合Ampiah. 她喜欢她的课, taught by instructors experienced in field with lessons based on real-world case studies she could explore. Ampiah joined two honor societies – Phi Theta Kappa and Alpha Delta Nu – to help her connect with fellow dedicated academics and high achievers on campus, but it was her clinical experiences each semester that fueled her determination to graduate and get to work as a nurse.
“我的巅峰经历真的很棒. I got the opportunity to work under an emergency department nurse in Elmer, overnight. I want to go into emergency nursing, so I got to see what that was really about," Ampiah explained. “我从E中学到了很多.D. 护士. 他们都在鼓励我, 说无论我决定去哪个单位,他们都能看到我表现得很好."
平衡护理课程和临床轮转的需求, along with her job as a certified nursing assistant at The Pines at Voorhees Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center, 已经是一个挑战了, but Ampiah could not say no when she was accepted into the Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine's (SOM) New Jersey Area Health Education Center (NJ AHEC) Scholars Program. The two-year program brings healthcare students of all disciplines together to learn about the unique healthcare needs of underserved communities.
“如果你身边没有合适的资源或合适的人, 当涉及到保持你的健康时,这是非常困难的,安皮亚说. “像这样的项目很重要. 通过这种额外的培训, 更多的医疗专业人员将准备好帮助那些最需要帮助的人."
The NJ AHEC Scholars Program utilizes clinical and community-based training activities to prepare future healthcare professionals to deliver culturally competent care to vulnerable populations. 虽然新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行确实限制了许多志愿服务机会, it also inspired the topic Ampiah suggested for her group's service-minded research project: Mental Health Barriers Faced by Residents in Camden, N.J. 在新型冠状病毒肺炎.
The three-person team used virtual tools to safely reach out to behavioral healthcare centers in Camden to find out how 新型冠状病毒肺炎 had impacted the challenges the facilities face and what problems their patients were up against. Ampiah and her group worked to identify barriers to mental healthcare within the city further stressed by the pandemic, 以及如何在当地解决这些障碍, 州和联邦层面.
“帮助服务不足的社区对我来说很重要,因为我知道这是怎么回事. 我在我的个人生活中看到了这一点,我希望能有所帮助,”Ampiah说. “他们需要有人在他们身边."
5月11日,Ampiah和她的同事一起从护理专业毕业, 2021, 和她的叔叔和表弟在一起,拍了很多照片来纪念这个时刻. 在另一个大陆的比利时, 她母亲兴致勃勃地参加了庆祝活动, 很高兴她的女儿正在成为她所说的“一个有物质的女人”." A huge proponent of women's education who never had the opportunity to earn her own college degree, Irene Noami Vanderpuye is overwhelmed with pride at all her daughter has accomplished so soon after moving to the U.S.
“我妈妈赞助过, 在我的求学过程中给予我支持和激励,安皮亚分享道. “I could not have made this far without her encouragement; she always tells me not to give up in times of hardship and to strive for excellence. 我非常感激我的母亲,她从不停止为我祈祷."
Ampiah is currently focused on studying for her NCLEX exam this July — the licensure exam used by all state boards of nursing across the United States to help assess a student's competency — and is working with RCSJ's Rowan University Center to explore earning her B.S.N. through the College's 3+1 Nursing Program, offered in cooperation with Rowan University. She feels confident that she is ready to take her place as a nurse in an emergent care setting, 哪里训练得当又快, 批判性思维可以拯救生命.
“RCSJ's Nursing program is the best because it doesn't only prepare you to pass the NCLEX, 它为你将来当护士做了全面的准备,安皮亚总结道. “你带着正确的期望和技能进入这个领域. 在这个项目结束时,你肯定会成为一名好护士."